Anime Z Wallpapers Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 21-10-2023

Data Collection

Your data like interests, demographics, and device information can be collected by us through the Mobile Ads SDK for the Ad Personalization feature that is provided by Google AdMob to display personalized advertisements to users. Ad personalization is based on various factors as said earlier that includes user interests, demographics, and device information.

Ad Providers

Our app works with the following third-party ad provider Google AdMob. For detailed information about each provider's data usage and privacy practices, please refer to their respective privacy policies:

Opt-Out Options

Users can opt out of ad personalization by adjusting their ad preferences through Google's Ad Settings page.

Contact Information

For any privacy-related inquiries, concerns, or requests, please contact us

By using Anime Z Wallpapers, you agree to the terms and practices described in this Privacy Policy.

We reserve the right to change this policy at any time. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any updates.